We’re powered by people, not big business
Your donation will help us get Greens elected.
The Green Party is funded through donations by individuals like you. We don’t take donations from businesses that are trying to sway our politics. Politics is about people, and delivering a society that puts them first. Can you donate to help us get Greens elected?
Thank you for your support!
If you wish to donate to our campaigns here are four easy ways that you can do this:
1. Set up a STANDING ORDER using our easy-to-use page
Simply enter your debit or credit card details. Click this link to take you there:
2. Set up a STANDING ORDER through your bank
Please use our bank details as follows:
Dorset Green Party
Cooperative Bank plc
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account number: 65317631
During election periods please email us on dorsetgreenparty@gmail.com to tell us you have donated and how much and tell us your address because we need to check and record that you are on the electoral register.
Transfer a donation to our account from yours:
Dorset Green Party
Cooperative Bank plc
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account number: 65317631
During election periods please email us on dorsetgreenparty@gmail.com to tell us you have donated and how much and please tell us your address because we need to check and record that you are on the electoral register.
4. Send a CHEQUE
Please make the cheque out to: ‘Dorset Green Party’ and post to:
Dorset Green Party Treasurer
43 Hazelmead
Hospital Lane
Please include your name, address and telephone number in a covering note in case we need to contact you.
For amounts over £500 we need to verify that you are a registered elector in the UK in order to comply with electoral law. If you wish to donate over £500, and we would be very grateful if you do, please contact Dorset Green Party Coordinator Richard Edwards in full confidence by email: coordinator@dorset.greenparty.org.uk
Many thanks.