The growing movement for a greener, kinder Dorset

Our priorities for Dorset

latest News

  • Homes for everyone
    The Green Party’s Dorset Councillor Belinda Bawden says: “Much of my work representing residents on Dorset Council feels a bit ‘behind-the-scenes’ and as a member of two planning committees and the new Housing Member Board, I’m closely involved in policy-planning and decision-making. The affordable homes crisis concerns us all and elected members are urging Dorset… Read more: Homes for everyone
  • Extra bus stop
    Lyme Regis and Charmouth Dorset Councillor Belinda Bawden says “It was a blow to Lyme Regis when the town bus service finished when the school bus contract was changed. Many residents have told me that it was a lifeline for them to get to the shops and other local services. I requested and secured an… Read more: Extra bus stop
  • Lyme Environment Committee
    Lyme Regis Town Councillor Stuart Cockerell says “As chairman of the Environment Committee, I’m supporting the excellent work done by the River Lim action group along with the progress we’re making with bathing water quality.  I work with the Marine Theatre and I’m pleased to see the upgrades allowing regular screening of films from this… Read more: Lyme Environment Committee
  • Early Years Provision
    Belinda says: “I have been asking Dorset Council for Early Years provision for Lyme Regis at the Children’s Centre to give our children the best start in life. Many parents have complained to me about the lack of provision for the under fives which can affect their ability to work. Better funding to extend free… Read more: Early Years Provision
  • Road safety improvements for Lyme Regis
    “The future health, safety and well-being of our residents who want to feel safer near their homes and walking into town will significantly improve with the introduction of a 20 mph scheme”. Thank you to residents who have been supporting efforts to improve road safety in the town. Dorset Council agreed the proposal for 20… Read more: Road safety improvements for Lyme Regis
  • Cross-party group including Green councillors writes to Portland Port about incinerator
    Councillors including Greens Clare Sutton and Claudia Webb have co-signed a letter by South Dorset MP Lloyd Hatton to the CEO of Portland Port, calling for the controversial incinerator at the port site to be abandoned. The letter asks the Port to abandon “these harmful proposals” for “an outdated form of technology”. They call for a “nationwide moratorium”, banning any new waste incinerators. They also ask for a meeting about the issue with Port officials. The letter continues: “It has become clear that there is no business case, no community case, and no environmental case for a waste incinerator on Portland.”

Dorset Councillors

Bridport Town Councillors

Bridport Central

Bridport West & Allington

Weymouth town councillors

Other town councillors

Lyme Regis Town Council

Dorchester Town Council
Dorchester East

Portland Town Council

Dorset Green Party covers the same geographical area as Dorset Council. Most of our activity is in the West and South of Dorset.

Upcoming Events

Get involved to help get Greens elected. A Green Councillor can make a world of difference to your local area.

Our next Business Meetings for members only will be on Monday 24th February via Zoom at 7.30pm [note this is a change from a previously advertised date and time] and then Tuesday March 18th at 7.30pm in Dorchester. Then Tuesday April 22nd via ZOOM and Tuesday May 13th in Dorchester.

If you would like to become a member please join up here. To find out more or to get involved, drop us an email.

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