5 July 2024 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Everyone in the Green Party movement is today celebrating the largest advance in our 41-year history, as the number of Green MPs quadrupled to four. In rural Dorset, there were some pleasing advances in the Green vote, for candidates Ben Pantling (Mid Dorset & North Poole), Kelvin Clayton (West Dorset) and Ken Huggins (North Dorset).
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1 February 2024 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Bridport has approximately 500 listed buildings, most of which are ordinary residential houses, and many are small and at the cheaper end of the housing market. However, a constant issue raised by the residents of these houses is the difficulty in getting planning permission to install solar panels (even of rear elevations that can’t be seen from the road) and fit wooden double glazing. One solution being pursued by Green Party Councillor Kelvin Clayton is for Dorset Council to pass a Listed Building Consent Order, an order that allows people to install solar panels and double glazing on/in listed building without planning permission provided certain criteria are met.
1 October 2023 / 8 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Following a motion tabled by Green Party councillor Kelvin Clayton, and fully supported by all his fellow town councillors, Bridport Town Council has applied to have the built-up areas of the town designated a 20mph zone. Dorset Council has approved this in principle for the town centre. They will make their final decision once they have analysed the results of the public consultation.
15 July 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
At Dorset Full Council on 13 July 2023, Green Councillors Kelvin Clayton (Bridport) and Belinda Bawden (Lyme & Charmouth) proposed a motion committing Dorset Council to working with the Government and water companies to prevent sewage discharges into our rivers and beaches. This motion was passed almost unanimously. Green Group Leader Clare Sutton says: “This situation is a total disgrace. Weymouth’s economy relies on visitors being confident of the quality of our sea water, and within our ward it’s also very important to those who swim at Smallmouth, Sandsfoot, Castle Cove and Newton’s Cove. "Given the vast profits Wessex Water and others have made since privatisation, Government must ensure that it’s the shareholder not the customer who pays."
1 October 2021 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Green Councillor Kelvin Clayton has challenged Dorset Council’s Cabinet member for Planning to make basic home improvements such as double glazing easier for people living in listed buildings, of which there are around 500 in Bridport. Kelvin said, “It’s ridiculous that given the climate crisis we all face it’s so difficult for Bridport owners to get double glazing for their homes. Double glazing barely shows from the outside and the planning department needs to wake up to the reality of the situation.”
15 April 2021 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Green Councillor Kelvin Clayton has voiced disappointment after a motion he is promoting to gather support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill was ruled out of order at Dorset Council. Councillor Clayton, who represents Bridport as one of four Greens on Dorset Council, had asked Dorset Council to support the Private Member’s Bill and to write to rural Dorset’s five MPs to ask them to support it too.