13 September 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Dorset Council has approved plans for up to 141 homes, a 60-bed care home and a gym, swimming pool and spa on Newton’s Cove in Weymouth. Green Councillor Clare Sutton (Rodwell & Wyke) argued for further conditions relating to affordable housing and the Underbarn, to ensure that local residents would see some net gains, but unfortunately these were not adopted.
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15 July 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
At Dorset Full Council on 13 July 2023, Green Councillors Kelvin Clayton (Bridport) and Belinda Bawden (Lyme & Charmouth) proposed a motion committing Dorset Council to working with the Government and water companies to prevent sewage discharges into our rivers and beaches. This motion was passed almost unanimously. Green Group Leader Clare Sutton says: “This situation is a total disgrace. Weymouth’s economy relies on visitors being confident of the quality of our sea water, and within our ward it’s also very important to those who swim at Smallmouth, Sandsfoot, Castle Cove and Newton’s Cove. "Given the vast profits Wessex Water and others have made since privatisation, Government must ensure that it’s the shareholder not the customer who pays."
3 April 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Built just after World War I, Bradford, Tennyson and Emerson Roads form a distinct community off Chickerell Road in Rodwell, Weymouth, with two public greens. These are well-loved by residents, who tended them during lock down, where young children have played safely for many decades. Residents were horrified when landowner Aster submitted a planning application to build new houses - just two, not even affordable ones, with four parking spaces - covering the whole of Tennyson Green. They organised a fantastic campaign against this, which Rodwell & Wyke Green Councillors Brian Heatley and Clare Sutton fully supported, and were delighted when Aster withdrew their application.
24 March 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Rodwell & Wyke Green Councillor Clare Sutton has been in touch with First’s Dorset Operations Manager since January, about their new number 9 bus serving Wyke. The three-month trial, serving users in Chickerell Road, Lanehouse Rocks, Wyke High Street, Walker Crescent and Wyke Road areas, got off to a good start, cross-subsidised by school provision, but on 23rd March he informed Clare the service is losing money and will cease on 27th May. Clare commented: "This is a massive blow to residents who depend on it and we are sorry we weren’t able to influence First’s decision."
Dorset Council’s Strategic Planning Committee unanimously rejected Powerfuel’s application for a giant waste incinerator at Portland Port on 24th March. Many local people spoke with expertise and eloquence on a range of issues including: (a) Inconsistency with Dorset’s Waste Plan, (b) The blight on our landscape, for both residents and visitors, (c) The potential damage to wildlife, the arts, and as a sailing venue. Objections made by Green Councillors Brian Heatley and Clare Sutton included: (i) Air pollution in general, and the impact of up to 80 extra (huge!) HGVs per day on those walking or cycling to our local schools, shops, doctors etc. (ii) The impact on Dorset’s World Heritage Coast and local heritage assets. (iii) That, given the need to generate less waste rather than burn it, it would become a ‘white elephant’.
2 March 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
The Dorset Echo has covered a call by Green Councillor Clare Sutton (Rodwell & Wyke) for extra funding for youth clubs across the county. Attending the Dorset Council Cabinet meeting, she asked: “Can the council please consider making a 'cost of living' grant available to youth clubs which have been working so hard to keep youth work alive in Dorset and support our young people through these difficult times?
14 February 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
The Green councillors on Dorset Council have supported the Council's budget for next year but say it lacks ambition. At yesterday's full Council meeting the leader of the Green Group, Clare Sutton said: "We think this Council can do better than 'safe and legal', and should be preparing itself to tackle some of our more entrenched issues". She highlighted four issues to tackle as a priority: housing, public transport, youth services, and disposal of surplus Council assests.
24 February 2019 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
This is the text of the budget speech given by Clare Sutton, Green Party county councillor for Rodwell. Clare urged the Conservative council not to pass on cuts to schools, and to do more for the homeless.
10 June 2018 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Everyone should have the freedom to improve their lives but Weymouth is unfortunately one of the worst areas in the country for social mobility coming a shocking 322nd out of 324 local authority areas. In 2019 a new Dorset Council will be formed and Green county councillor for Rodwell in Weymouth, Clare Sutton, says this is a great chance to bring many more skilled jobs to Weymouth to give local people more opportunities. Clare said, “Having grown up here and returned to bring up my children, I love my home town and it’s a great place to live if you have a decent job and a secure home and are in good health. However, I am all too aware of the lack of opportunities for young people in particular and am extremely disappointed that the motion I put forward was not agreed. It is important to keep this in the spotlight."