30 September 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
The Environment Committee of Lyme Regis Town Council, chaired by Green councillor Rob Smith, has agreed to invest in more wildlife-friendly planting. Wildflowers in Langmoor and Lister Gardens have proved popular with residents and visitors – and with invertebrates of course. Now the planting will be expanded to create mini ecosystems around the town which will benefit wildlife from tiny bugs to butterflies, birds and bats.
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30 September 2023 / 11 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Traffic congestion and parking in Lyme and Charmouth are big issues for local residents. Bus services are in need of improvement and on some roads speed is a real problem. Green Councillor Belinda Bawden says: “Among the things I have been working on is asking Dorset Council to offer a designated space parking permit for those with the greatest mobility challenges. I’ve also requested resident parking permits for Queen’s Walk in Lyme, and changes to deal with dangerous parking around junctions, including Wesley Close in Charmouth."
16 July 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
It’s distressing to hear about pollution in our rivers, the landfill debris affecting our beaches and concerns about harbour dredging. But despite the scale of the problems we’ve got some good progress to report. Green Councillors Belinda Bawden and Rob Smith have been in regular partnership meetings with South West Water, the town council, Dorset Council, Environment Agency and the River Lim Action Group to resolve sewage problems.
7 July 2023 / 7 December 2024 by chrishenderson
The footbridge over the river at Charmouth Beach – which is a vital link to the beach and also part of the South West coast path - had been causing safety concerns due to wear and tear. Councillor Belinda Bawden responded to residents’ concerns and Dorset Council has now made the necessary repairs.
7 February 2023 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
The energy crisis is hitting everyone. In Lyme Regis and Charmouth as elsewhere, there are many older properties which can be draughty and difficult to heat. Green Councillor Belinda Bawden organised the recent Home Energy Workshop in Lyme Regis. Saving energy and money goes hand in hand! It was Belinda who set up the Lyme Area Community Energy Champions scheme, where volunteers offer energy-saving tips and home surveys with a thermal camera, which shows up cold and leaky spots.
1 February 2023 / 7 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Responding to residents’ concerns about speeding cars in Charmouth and Lyme, which cause pollution and risk serious accidents, local Green Councillor Belinda Bawden asked Dorset Police to start Speedwatch initiatives. A briefing was held in January and volunteers will soon be monitoring the speed of cars to gather the evidence we need to request changes. The Speedwatch initiative will target roads where problems have been reported.
1 October 2021 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Lyme Regis town councillor and Green Party member Belinda Bawden is starting a car club trial in Lyme Regis. Belinda says “If you only use your car occasionally then a car club could save you a lot of money. Or perhaps your household has two cars – in this case joining a car club could let you make do with one.”