15 April 2021 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Green Councillor Kelvin Clayton has voiced disappointment after a motion he is promoting to gather support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill was ruled out of order at Dorset Council. Councillor Clayton, who represents Bridport as one of four Greens on Dorset Council, had asked Dorset Council to support the Private Member’s Bill and to write to rural Dorset’s five MPs to ask them to support it too.
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3 February 2020 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Dorset Green Party opposes the development of a waste incineration plant on Portland. We oppose the delivery lorries through a residential area, the emission of health-damaging particulates close to a densely populated urban area, and the 30-year demand for residual waste instead of dealing with waste better.
24 February 2019 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
This is the text of the budget speech given by Clare Sutton, Green Party county councillor for Rodwell. Clare urged the Conservative council not to pass on cuts to schools, and to do more for the homeless.
6 February 2019 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Green Party Councillor Dr Jon Orrell said “It is clear that arresting climate chaos means keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Prospecting for more is madness and shows the folly of this governing party; seeking short term profit for the few and causing long term devastation for the many. They are happy to allow oil exploration, but would not support a windfarm in the same waters.” West & South Dorset Green Party members are in full support of those campaigning against the drilling.
10 June 2018 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Everyone should have the freedom to improve their lives but Weymouth is unfortunately one of the worst areas in the country for social mobility coming a shocking 322nd out of 324 local authority areas. In 2019 a new Dorset Council will be formed and Green county councillor for Rodwell in Weymouth, Clare Sutton, says this is a great chance to bring many more skilled jobs to Weymouth to give local people more opportunities. Clare said, “Having grown up here and returned to bring up my children, I love my home town and it’s a great place to live if you have a decent job and a secure home and are in good health. However, I am all too aware of the lack of opportunities for young people in particular and am extremely disappointed that the motion I put forward was not agreed. It is important to keep this in the spotlight."
26 July 2017 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
The Green Party’s councillor for Weymouth West, Claudia Moore, has succeeded in getting the backing of Weymouth & Portland Borough Council (WPBC) to protect wildlife. Her motion at the full council meeting in June asked that WPBC ban the release of helium balloons and sky lanterns from any land or premises in the ownership of the council.
15 March 2016 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Campaigners are to hold fresh talks with council officials in an effort to tackle traffic congestion and pollution on Boot Hill. At a public meeting before Christmas [pictured] residents in Weymouth’s most polluted street called on officials to do more to protect their health. Now campaigners will be sitting down with Highways and Public Health officials to ask what progress is being made. Green campaigner Jon Orrell, a local GP, said: “One of the big concerns raised by residents is that they’ve not been getting accurate readings over the quality of the air they breathe. They are right to be worried.
26 January 2016 / 22 December 2024 by chrishenderson
Yesterday saw a positive exchange of ideas between local Green Party members and the South Western Franchise Consultation representatives at Weymouth Station. There was clear recognition by all that recent increase in rail use was a positive step towards reducing air polluting emission from car journeys. However, questions over the way our railways are best operated and for whose benefit were raised. Dr Jon Orrell, Green Party member and rail user expressed a number of concerns over the current rail service.