Belinda Bawden working hard after re-election to Dorset Council with large majority

Thank you to everyone who voted for Belinda Bawden from the Green Party in Lyme & Charmouth at the Dorset Council election on 2nd May.

Belinda said: “Thank you for trusting me to represent you again. I’m hugely grateful and humbled by your support, which has increased across all our polling areas. I’ll continue to listen and work hard on your behalf.”

She’s been busy since the elections working for local residents. We have knocked on every voters’ door and listened to your concerns about the loss of our services, speeding, parking and sewage in our rivers and beaches. Working collaboratively with the new administration in Dorset Council means we have more influence to get our problems resolved. The photo above shows Belinda helping keep our beaches clean with town councillor Caroline Aldridge and new local MP Edward Morello.

A newly elected Labour government with strong Lib Dem representation in the South West will also offer more opportunities for real hope and real change.

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