Clearance work to recommence towards opening Weymouth’s Underbarn

Green Councillor Clare Sutton (Rodwell & Wyke) secured Dorset Council’s commitment in 2021 to reinstating the Underbarn – a scenic path in Weymouth from Bincleaves Green to Castle Cove Beach. The Underbarn has been closed since 2001 owing to safety concerns after landslips. It has since fallen into an overgrown state of disrepair.

Much of the Underbarn was cut through after the initial reopening agreement. Unfortunately progress then stalled for various reasons.

However, landowners were informed last month that works would recommence and this has now started. Once it has been cut through fully, there will be a 21 day statutory consultation period. Following that, the plan is to install handrails and sleepers where needed but keep additions to a minimum to maintain the naturalness of the area.

Clare Sutton, who remembers walking the path as a child, and later scrambling along it with her children. said: “Dorset Council’s – and previously Dorset County Council’s – coastal engineers have been monitoring this stretch since 2008. They have concluded that there’s been no significant movement in the last ten years, and removing some further vegetation to reinstate the path will not have a detrimental effect on the coastal slope or increase the risk of landslips.

“I’m sorry this is taking so long but it’s been more complicated than we’d envisaged. Massive thanks to Dorset Council’s Greenspace Team and to the Trustees of Friends of Castle Cove for all their help, and to Underbarn Walk fans for your patience.”

For up to date information, please contact Clare or Chair of Friends of Castle Cove Beach Charity Steve Elsworth.

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