Kelvin Clayton worked to fix listed building issue in Bridport

Bridport has approximately 500 listed buildings, most of which are ordinary residential houses, and many are small and at the cheaper end of the housing market. However, a constant issue raised by the residents of these houses is the difficulty in getting planning permission to install solar panels (even of rear elevations that can’t be seen from the road) and fit wooden double glazing.

One solution being pursued by Green Party Councillor Kelvin Clayton is for Dorset Council to pass a Listed Building
Consent Order, an order that allows people to install solar panels and double glazing on/in listed building without
planning permission provided certain criteria are met.

I am raising this issue with the Council at every opportunity,” says Kelvin, “and so far have had a reasonably positive reaction. This will be high on my list of priorities if re-elected in May.”

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