~20 residents attend anti-social behaviour discussion in Wyke Regis, organised by Cllr Helen Toft, after Halloween incidents

Wyke Regis Town Councillor Helen Toft was contacted by a Williams Avenue resident in November who told her that, on Halloween, a large group of young people banged and kicked cars in the road and verbally abused residents who challenged them.

As this was corroborated by other residents, Helen organised a meeting that was attended by around 20 residents, the Police, senior staff from All Saints School, Dorset Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour officer and councillors Clare Sutton and Lucy Hamilton.

Residents shared their concerns, offered support to each other, and agreed a plan going forward.

Reports since the meeting are that there have been no more incidents.

Helen Toft commented: “This type of behaviour is particularly alarming for elderly residents and those living alone. If you have a door bell with a camera and you record anti-social behaviour, you can send a copy to dorset.police.uk or, if a young person is wearing school uniform whilst misbehaving, contact All Saints School office with the details. Big thanks to Wyke Workies for hosting this meeting and providing refreshments.”

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