Newton’s Cove development plans approved – without Clare Sutton’s proposed affordable housing and Underbarn stipulations

Dorset Council has approved plans for up to 141 homes, a 60-bed care home and a gym, swimming pool and spa on Newton’s Cove in Weymouth.

Green Councillor Clare Sutton (Rodwell & Wyke) argued for further conditions relating to affordable housing and the Underbarn, to ensure that local residents would see some net gains, but unfortunately these were not adopted.

The Dorset Echo reported: “Weymouth Green Party councillor Clare Sutton told the area planning committee she was upset that the multi-million scheme had been judged as unable to offer any affordable homes on site – and would only be asked to make a £48,000 contribution to affordable homes elsewhere, a figure she described as “completely inadequate,” whilst it was expected the cheapest flats on the development would cost around £250,000.

Said Cllr Sutton: “Overall, I consider this an over-development of a unique and beautiful location, too many elements remain ‘in outline’, and some seem dubious: for example, the estimation of how many new jobs would be created beyond the construction phase…. the inclusion of new conditions relating to the affordable housing contribution, the Underbarn Walk and a bus service would go some way towards mitigating the adverse impacts and reassuring local residents that some net gains would accrue.”

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