Portland Incinerator: Power to the people… but not from waste!

Brian Heatley Clare Sutton Climate & Ecology Portland

Dorset Council’s Strategic Planning Committee unanimously rejected Powerfuel’s application for a giant waste incinerator at Portland Port on 24th March. Many local people spoke with expertise and eloquence on a range of issues including:

  • Inconsistency with Dorset’s Waste Plan
  • The blight on our landscape, for both residents and visitors
  • The potential damage to wildlife, the arts, and as a sailing venue

Objections made by Green Councillors Brian Heatley and Clare Sutton included:

  • Air pollution in general, and the impact of up to 80 extra (huge!) HGVs per day on those walking or cycling to our local schools, shops, doctors etc.
  • The impact on Dorset’s World Heritage Coast and local heritage assets
  • That, given the need to generate less waste rather than burn it, it would become a ‘white elephant’.

You can watch Clare and Brian’s speeches on YouTube:

Following a three year campaign, Stop Portland Waste Incinerator’s Coordinator Paula Klaentschi, a Rodwell resident, said, “The applicants may appeal the decision, so it’s not over yet but this is a great result for Weymouth and Portland. We’ve shown that, by mobilising public opinion and expert scientific arguments, communities can win against well-funded developers”.

Campaigner and former Olympic sailor Laura Baldwin, who lives with her children behind Portland Port above chimney height, said: “England should follow Wales and Scotland with a ban on any new incinerators, phase out existing incinerators, and work towards manufacturing waste out of production. Alternatives to plastic packaging exist, and shifting to a circular economy would make people feel good about their consumer choices.”

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