Can we avert climate change disaster?

6 November 2023

Can we avert climate change disaster?

Despite some people losing hope that we can, all is not lost.  The measures needed are neither technologically, economically or socially impossible.  However, those who exercise political power have not been prepared to lead, not been prepared to take their citizens with them along the necessary path.

As a species we have the capacity to do this – just look at the way mankind has transformed our planet over quite a short period.  Now that every rational person understands the danger facing us, we must redirect that drive and ingenuity into finding a solution.  One that sees CO2 levels in the atmosphere kept below a 2 degree rise and then set on a declining path.

This is where political engagement is vital.  While individual citizens and companies can contribute only Governments have the authority and resources to deliver the transformation needed.  However dedicated activists in pressure groups may be, they don’t have their hands on the levers of power.  So we absolutely must use our voting power to kick out the hopeless, foot-dragging Tory politicians who won’t rise to the challenge.  There is no excuse for sitting on your hands when an election arrives; doing so is a betrayal of those too young to vote but set to be most affected by global heating.  A betrayal of those in the poorest countries who did almost nothing to cause this but will suffer the worst consequences.

The Green Party has been campaigning for around 40 years on climate change but our deplorable electoral system has nullified most of our efforts.  A proper proportional representation system would transform the situation.  Within a year we are likely to have a majority Labour government or a Labour led coalition.  It is crucial that such a government introduces PR and confronts the vested interests who put profit above the future of the planet.

The UK can’t make much difference to global emissions on its own but by setting an example it can influence other countries to be equally ambitious and resolute.

Julian Jones

Bridport Green Party Town Councillor

[Published in Bridport News 19th October 2023]

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