Big rise in support for Dorset Greens

2 July 2015

Green Party membership in Dorset is soaring.
The number of people joining the party’s West and South Dorset branch has leapt from 90 to 360 in just 12 months. That’s a 400% increase.
The Green’s West and South Dorset Chair Kelvin Clayton said:
“These are exciting times for the Green Party in Dorset. More and more people are recognising that the politics of the present and the future don’t have to look like the politics of the past. “
The Green Party fielded more candidates than ever before in May’s local elections in Dorset. Kelvin was one of two Greens elected to Bridport Town Council. And the Green Party’s share of the vote in both South Dorset and West Dorset in the General Election was higher than the national average. 
Kelvin added: “We appreciate we have a lot of work to do but the scale of the increase in membership in such a short time shows we are clearly building support for Green values locally. ”
Green Party priorities in West and South Dorset include:

Backing the Navitas Bay wind farm project, as part of the party’s commitment to renewable energy.
Opposing any plans to begin fracking in the county.
Resisting any further cuts to local public services, including any proposals to shut Kingfisher Ward and the Special Care Baby Unit at Dorset County Hospital. 
Pressing for more affordable housing for younger families in Dorset.
Engaging in sustainable neighbourhood activities aimed at helping restore a sense of community.

Kelvin added:
‘Our task now is to build on these successes and convince even more people that our future wellbeing depends on doing things differently – doing things the Green way!’

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