Green success at Budmouth Hustings for Jane Burnet

10 February 2015

Jane Burnet's first hustings at Budmouth College was a massive success, with over half of the students supporting the Green cause.

There was one candidate from each of the parties. A political speed dating session was followed by a question and answer event with the candidates on the panel. 

Beforehand, the students had completed a ballot about their voting intentions. Then the speed dating involved talking for two minutes and then answering questions for another three minutes, five times, to five different groups of 17 - 18 year olds.

After this session, they completed another ballot to see which party had gained support and which had lost. 

The Green Party started off with a head start but the speed dating resulted in us more than doubling our supporters. 

Results of Jane's last hustings
Click the charts for a larger version

Jane said: "This goes to show we have a good story to tell – a story that shows austerity is not the only way and that young people understand there is an alternative which can deliver a fairer, safer future. 

Young people clearly understand that the politics of the future do not have to look like the politics of the past. 

We were thanked for inspiring the students but, the truth is, they really inspired me with their warm welcome, enthusiasm and obvious desire to learn as much as possible so their vote will be based on an informed choice".

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