Bob Hamblett is a Green Party candidate for Bridport in the Dorset Council local elections on May 2nd

Bob Hamblett is a councillor-elect on Symondsbury Parish Council. After a life that has taken him half way round the world he feels he is finally home. He is standing alongside Councilllors Kelvin Clayton and Julian Jones for one of three seats in Bridport ward of Dorset Council.

In the 1980s he was at the heart of Green Deserts, an NGO that staged the Rougham Tree Fairs in Suffolk – three-day celebrations of arts and music – to fund tree-planting projects in Sudan. Living in a pre-industrial society gives one a valuable perspective on the use of the earth’s resources, as does living on a farm.

Fatherhood led him to teaching at Michael Hall Steiner School where he developed a British Culture course for foreign students, including a half term trip to the sacred places of the southwest, and surfing in Atlantic waves. Then he started a small company to deliver Summer School courses along similar lines.

He is acutely aware of how regulations are stacked against small businesses, while corporations get away without paying their fair share. As a Dorset Councillor he will seek ways to rebalance the odds.

Now that he’s a grandfather there is no excuse not to try making the world a better place.

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