Belinda Bawden Archives - Dorset Green Party Tue, 18 Feb 2025 10:00:44 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Belinda Bawden Archives - Dorset Green Party 32 32 Homes for everyone Mon, 24 Feb 2025 17:38:11 +0000 The Green Party’s Dorset Councillor Belinda Bawden says: “Much of my work representing residents on Dorset Council feels a bit ‘behind-the-scenes’ and as a member of two planning committees and the new Housing Member Board, I’m closely involved in policy-planning and decision-making. The affordable homes crisis concerns us all and elected members are urging Dorset […]

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The Green Party’s Dorset Councillor Belinda Bawden says: “Much of my work representing residents on Dorset Council feels a bit ‘behind-the-scenes’ and as a member of two planning committees and the new Housing Member Board, I’m closely involved in policy-planning and decision-making. The affordable homes crisis concerns us all and elected members are urging Dorset Council to be more ambitious. We need more suitable social and genuinely affordable housing, not only for our young working people and families but also for those looking to downsize”.

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Extra bus stop Mon, 17 Feb 2025 17:36:16 +0000 Lyme Regis and Charmouth Dorset Councillor Belinda Bawden says “It was a blow to Lyme Regis when the town bus service finished when the school bus contract was changed. Many residents have told me that it was a lifeline for them to get to the shops and other local services. I requested and secured an […]

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Lyme Regis and Charmouth Dorset Councillor Belinda Bawden says “It was a blow to Lyme Regis when the town bus service finished when the school bus contract was changed. Many residents have told me that it was a lifeline for them to get to the shops and other local services. I requested and secured an extra stop by the northbound X51/53 bus by Langmoor Gardens at the top of the town to enable people to get up the hill to the food shops.”

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Early Years Provision Mon, 03 Feb 2025 17:16:18 +0000 Belinda says: “I have been asking Dorset Council for Early Years provision for Lyme Regis at the Children’s Centre to give our children the best start in life. Many parents have complained to me about the lack of provision for the under fives which can affect their ability to work. Better funding to extend free […]

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Belinda says: “I have been asking Dorset Council for Early Years provision for Lyme Regis at the Children’s Centre to give our children the best start in life. Many parents have complained to me about the lack of provision for the under fives which can affect their ability to work. Better funding to extend free pre-schooling has now been made available by the Government and I’m determined to enable parents in the Lyme area to benefit from this. I’d love to hear your views Please contact me if you’d like to help”. 

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Road safety improvements for Lyme Regis Sun, 26 Jan 2025 20:09:15 +0000 “The future health, safety and well-being of our residents who want to feel safer near their homes and walking into town will significantly improve with the introduction of a 20 mph scheme”. Thank you to residents who have been supporting efforts to improve road safety in the town. Dorset Council agreed the proposal for 20 […]

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“The future health, safety and well-being of our residents who want to feel safer near their homes and walking into town will significantly improve with the introduction of a 20 mph scheme”.

Thank you to residents who have been supporting efforts to improve road safety in the town. Dorset Council agreed the proposal for 20 mph speed limits throughout most of the town, as part of the town council’s overall ‘Vision’ for the town to be:

A safer, cleaner, more attractive and more accessible place for all of its residents, workers and visitors.”

The next step is for Dorset Council to carry out a public consultation on the 20mph scheme and for other safety and accessibility improvements to be developed. Please look out for the 20mph public survey.

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Belinda Bawden working hard after re-election to Dorset Council with large majority Thu, 15 Aug 2024 09:51:00 +0000 Thank you to everyone who voted for Belinda Bawden from the Green Party in Lyme & Charmouth at the Dorset Council election on 2nd May. Belinda was re-elected with 61% of the vote. She said: "Thank you for trusting me to represent you again. I’m hugely grateful and humbled by your support, which has increased across all our polling areas. I’ll continue to listen and work hard on your behalf."

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Thank you to everyone who voted for Belinda Bawden from the Green Party in Lyme & Charmouth at the Dorset Council election on 2nd May.

Belinda said: “Thank you for trusting me to represent you again. I’m hugely grateful and humbled by your support, which has increased across all our polling areas. I’ll continue to listen and work hard on your behalf.”

She’s been busy since the elections working for local residents. We have knocked on every voters’ door and listened to your concerns about the loss of our services, speeding, parking and sewage in our rivers and beaches. Working collaboratively with the new administration in Dorset Council means we have more influence to get our problems resolved. The photo above shows Belinda helping keep our beaches clean with town councillor Caroline Aldridge and new local MP Edward Morello.

A newly elected Labour government with strong Lib Dem representation in the South West will also offer more opportunities for real hope and real change.

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Lyme business group launches with Belinda Bawden’s help Wed, 03 Jan 2024 09:18:00 +0000 Dorset Green Councillor for Lyme and Charmouth, Belinda Bawden, has been working with local businesses to help them to set up a new business group in Lyme. Several business owners stepped forward to help coordinate it and Tom Robinson, of Tom’s on the seafront,
is the first chairman. With a fast-growing membership of over 80 local businesses, the new group is a welcome
additional voice to Lyme’s active community.

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Dorset Green Councillor for Lyme and Charmouth, Belinda Bawden, has been working with local businesses to help them to set up a new business group in Lyme.

Several business owners stepped forward to help coordinate it and Tom Robinson, of Tom’s on the seafront, is the first chairman. With a fast-growing membership of over 80 local businesses, the new group is a welcome additional voice to Lyme’s active community.

Councillor Bawden has discussed operational and funding options with key people at Dorset Council. She says: “I’m
looking forward to liaising with the business group on a range of events and consultations to keep our area lovely
and thriving for all who live and visit here”.

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Cllr Belinda Bawden works on recycling/waste separation with Lyme & Charmouth businesses, Dorset Council Tue, 02 Jan 2024 09:24:00 +0000 Getting more recycling and waste separation is vital with new regulations coming in. Green Councillor Belinda Bawden has been working with local businesses in Lyme Regis and Charmouth, and Dorset Council’s commercial waste management team, to work out the best ways to resolve some immediate issues, and to look at longer term solutions to reduce food waste.

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Getting more recycling and waste separation is vital with new regulations coming in.

Green Councillor Belinda Bawden has been working with local businesses in Lyme Regis and Charmouth, and Dorset Council’s commercial waste management team, to work out the best ways to resolve some immediate issues, and to look at longer term solutions to reduce food waste.

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Belinda Bawden works hard for Christmas to carry on in Lyme Regis after road closures Thu, 28 Dec 2023 09:29:00 +0000 The road closures since September affected trade in Lyme Regis, as shoppers were confused by road closed signs. Dorset and town councillor Belinda Bawden worked hard to get the “open for business” message across. She organised a Christmas market and produced a map showing numerous festive activities and events.

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The road closures since September affected trade in Lyme Regis, as shoppers were confused by road closed signs.

Dorset and town councillor Belinda Bawden worked hard to get the “open for business” message across. She organised a Christmas market and produced a map showing numerous festive activities and events.

Belinda Bawden says: “So many of our shops, pubs, restaurants and local organisations went the extra mile to show Lyme was very much open. Creating the ‘Christmas in Lyme Regis’ map seemed the best way to show the range of gifts, treats and fun family experiences on offer here.”

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Belinda Bawden lobbies Dorset Council for parking improvements in Lyme & Charmouth Sat, 30 Sep 2023 09:34:00 +0000 Traffic congestion and parking in Lyme and Charmouth are big issues for local residents. Bus services are in need of improvement and on some roads speed is a real problem. Green Councillor Belinda Bawden says: “Among the things I have been working on is asking Dorset Council to offer a designated space parking permit for those with the greatest mobility challenges. I’ve also requested resident parking permits for Queen’s Walk in Lyme, and changes to deal with dangerous parking around junctions, including Wesley Close in Charmouth."

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Traffic congestion and parking in Lyme and Charmouth are big issues for local residents. Bus services are in need of improvement and on some roads speed is a real problem.

Green Councillor Belinda Bawden says: “Among the things I have been working on is asking Dorset Council to offer a designated space parking permit for those with the greatest mobility challenges. I’ve also requested resident parking permits for Queen’s Walk in Lyme, and changes to deal with dangerous parking around junctions, including Wesley Close in Charmouth.”

Lyme Regis Town Council is working on traffic solutions. These include extending the town bus (Damory 71) to Uplyme and Charmouth to enable more people to leave their cars at home. It’s also looking at bold ideas for our future mobility to feed back to Dorset Council for the new Local Transport Plan.

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Cllr Belinda Bawden working hard on local sewage overspill Sun, 16 Jul 2023 11:18:00 +0000 It’s distressing to hear about pollution in our rivers, the landfill debris affecting our beaches and concerns about harbour dredging. But despite the scale of the problems we’ve got some good progress to report. Green Councillors Belinda Bawden and Rob Smith have been in regular partnership meetings with South West Water, the town council, Dorset Council, Environment Agency and the River Lim Action Group to resolve sewage problems.

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It’s distressing to hear about pollution in our rivers, the landfill debris affecting our beaches and concerns about harbour dredging. But despite the scale of the problems we’ve got some good progress to report.

Green Councillors Belinda Bawden (Lyme & Charmouth, Dorset Council, and Lyme Town Council) and Rob Smith (Lyme Town Council) have been in regular partnership meetings with South West Water, the town council, Dorset Council, Environment Agency and the River Lim Action Group to resolve sewage problems. Belinda is one of the River Lim water quality and river fly monitors.

At the request of Cllr Bawden, Dorset Council agreed to carry out testing of the harbour dredging in Lyme Regis. Local residents had been concerned about contamination of the sandy beach. The tests for heavy metals and hydrocarbons showed there was minimal risk. Belinda thanked Dorset Council for excellent co-operation with residents and the town council, for undertaking the sediment tests and for prioritising Lyme’s harbour dredging earlier in the year. Belinda is one of the River Lim water quality and river fly monitors.

Cllr Bawden has asked Dorset Council for regular monitoring, clean-ups where necessary and better signage in Charmouth and Lyme to warn beach visitors of the hazards.

In other related developments:

  • Thanks to the efforts of the ‘Citizen Science’ volunteers of River Lim Action with the backing of the town council, South West Water will apply to the water regulator, Ofwat, this autumn to bring forward a £20 million investment programme in Lyme Regis. This should reduce sewage spills and clean up the Lim.
  • In Charmouth, Wessex Water is also fast-tracking work at Newlands Bridge. Previously scheduled for 2025-30, the work to eliminate all spills at the sewage overflow is due to begin later this summer.

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